Association for Aerial Anomaly Research and Cataloging

− UFO and Paranormal Research from south-central Indiana −

Always Watching the Skies



Implants: What are they really for?

-- by Lynn Taylor


I have always believed there to be a variety of implant types used for a variety of purposes. We have all heard a lot about tracking and information storage, but I have not heard of genetics as a connection. Human hybrids have been described by abductees, but what if the function of some implants is to genetically alter the subject in a "timed release" fashion. (If that were true, then removing the implant would have a deleterious effect on the hybridization process.)

All I know for sure is, anyone who has been in close contact with the grays (and possibly, other alien groups), will experience a marked increase in psychic abilities. I don't know how or why this is brought about, but if these new found abilities are not the result of some sort of manipulation, genetic or otherwise, then I am at a loss to offer an explanation.  Abductees are first generation hybrids. I would refer to the ones reported as having been seen on board alien craft as second and third generation hybrids. (Some look almost human, and are most likely to be third generation, at least.)

Another point to ponder: The first KNOWN abductees were Barney and Betty Hill, back in the sixties. If you use the Hills as a chronological starting point, abductions and hybridization experiments have most likely been ongoing for thirty-five years. That would certainly allow ample time for the aliens to be multiple generations into their genetic cross-breeding program.

This possibility begs the following question: Exactly where do they keep all those alien hybrids? Bear in mind that the estimate is 800,000 abductees, worldwide. Since human females are not required to carry a hybrid child to full term, and considering second and third generation hybrids as fertile, and thirty-five years for the program to develop, the potential for the total number of alien-human hybrids is astronomical.

Again, where are they keeping all of these poor souls? Some have suggested that the grays have a base on the dark side of the moon. That is certainly a possibility, however, Earth is a mighty big planet, and a more likely candidate for warehousing large numbers. (underground, underwater, etc.)

Now for the chilling follow-up question: What is the end purpose for all those hybrids? They are REPLACEMENTS, and not for the aliens, to be sure! They are our replacements. Then what is to become of Homo Sapiens? Well, what ever happened to Homo-Erectus, or Cro-Magnon Man, or Neanderthal Man?

I have to wonder if we will be kept as a slave race, or gradually phased out. The third alternative is species extermination.

Are we nearing the time when we too, will be relegated to history, along with our primate ancestors?

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