Association for Aerial Anomaly Research and Cataloging

− UFO and Paranormal Research from south-central Indiana −

Always Watching the Skies


The Star that Fell Up
-- by Lynn Taylor

 13OCT96 - Sunday evening (7:45 PM)

Linda and I were on our way home from an afternoon on Lake Monroe, when we decided to take a little detour to inspect the changing autumn leaves. The scenery of the rural countryside was spectacular. Soon however, darkness fell, punctuating a beautiful day.

As we were leaving the area, Linda noticed a bright white light off to our left. I caught a glimpse of it through the passing trees. For a brief moment, there was an opening where I witnessed a bright, white object leave a trail of white light as it shot straight up and out of sight. It looked like a "falling star," only it fell up!

Strange...very strange.

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