Association for Aerial Anomaly Research and Cataloging

− UFO and Paranormal Research from south-central Indiana −

Always Watching the Skies


UFO Light Beam

-- by Lynn Taylor

03OCT96 - Thursday (10:40 PM)

I was feeling a little under the weather, so I chose to spend a quiet evening alone in front of the tube, watching "The Outer Limits." Linda, Jill and Jana May were attending a "Mary Kay" party at my oldest daughter Jennifer's house. Jill walked in the door at 10:15 PM, indicating that she had just spotted a yellow sphere over old 37 North, in the vicinity of Morgan-Monroe State Forest. I remember thinking, "Well, they're out tonight, they want to play, and I really don't feel up to the chase, this evening." Jill talked with me for a few minutes, then proceeded up stairs to bed.

Linda and Jana did not arrive home until 10:40 in the evening. Jana came into the house first and said, "Mom wants you to come outside right now. The dogs are sounding real strange!" I grabbed the video camera and hurried outdoors. Linda directed my attention to the yellow sphere over the trees to the east. I began to videotape, but soon I noticed a second sphere further to the east, near the county landfill. I yelled, "Get the van started and I'll get the other [camcorder] battery. We're going to the dump, because that's where they're headed!"

In a just a couple of minutes we were parked along side the gravel road bordering the east side of the landfill. Almost immediately, we were surrounded by spherical objects that I would estimate to be twenty to twenty-five feet in diameter. I continued to videotape the event until the objects began to withdraw. At that point, we relocated to an area in front of the landfill. Jana and I witnessed a sphere floating above an area of dense vegetation, just east of our position. We watched as it paused momentarily, whereupon, a bright, conical shaped light flashed on from the underside of the ship, illuminating the brushy area below. The light beam lasted for only a couple of seconds, before the craft began to move on toward the forest, to the north.
I could not help, but wonder - what was it that attracted their attention? What was it they were looking for? And, why do they have such a preoccupation with the area around the landfill? Whatever their mission, it was obvious, that this was a coordinated operation.

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