Association for Aerial Anomaly Research and Cataloging

− UFO and Paranormal Research from south-central Indiana −

Always Watching the Skies


The Mt. Tabor Road Sighting

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--by Lynn Taylor

19MAY96 - Sunday (12:00 Midnight, estimated time)

Tonight, John Tosti and I drove out to Mount Tabor road to check the area for sky traffic, for this is one of the areas where John recently witnessed numerous sightings of unidentifiable aircraft. Tonight would be no exception. We were training our attention on the north-eastern sky, and observing nothing worthy of noting, except for four meteorites who chose almost identical paths to fall from the heavens.

John was becoming frustrated due to the lack of activity he is normally accustomed to experiencing, when he and I decided to take a walk across the front yard, near the road, in order to inspect the sky, over the Union Valley road area. I scanned above the tree line, to find Venus in it's proper place. However, there was something else below, and just to the right. It was a round, possibly spherical object, white in color, and about two thirds the size of a full moon. No sooner did my eyes focus on it, when it began changing it's color from white to yellow, then to yellow-orange. (Why my eyes failed to lock on to an object of this size immediately, is as strange as any other aspect associated with this phenomena.) As soon as I could get the words out, I said, "There's one, right there!"

John looked up quickly, while thinking at first that I had mistaken Venus for something else. Then, he spotted it just as it began dropping, and dimmed down, then finally blinked out. He said, "That's one of them, all right! I'm sure glad you were here to see it with me. Now you know that I'm not crazy!" Then John commented, "They're checking you out. You are not supposed to be here. They would normally give me a 'light show'. Maybe the next time you're here they will, when they accept your presence". It was about that time, that a low flying jet aircraft, with lights arranged in a manner that I am not used to seeing, flew from the south-west, and passed directly overhead, which John identified as a "grid runner". The UFO John and I had witnessed, was the same type seen by Linda and myself, over Morgan-Monroe Forest back in March ('96).

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Unexplained Body Marks and Scars

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