Association for Aerial Anomaly Research and Cataloging

− UFO and Paranormal Research from south-central Indiana −

Always Watching the Skies



Archived UFO reports, written by Lynn Taylor, and fellow AAARC researchers


In ancient times, a sentinel was placed on the wall of the city to stand watch against the dark forces of the night. It was his sworn and sacred duty to sound the alert, at the first approach of danger. This Sentinel Files page is dedicated to all the sentinels of the world, who keep their lonely vigil on the towers and ramparts of Planet Earth, guarding against the denizens of darkness.



The Sentinel Filesİ
Copyright  1999  AAARC. All rights reserved.
Revised: February 01, 2008 .


Unexplained Body Marks and Scars

AAARC and The Sentinel Files Copyright 1999
